While in the meeting, I am browsing their web site. I like the fact I can look around for free, and their mission statement is easy to find.
JustBeenpaid! Mission Statement
The mission of JustBeenpaid! is threefold:
- To provide the means for the "98%" (who typically struggle to earn money online) with the easiest and most reliable ways to earn money online;
- To provide moneymaking programs that enable participants to improve their money-handling skills;
- To provide products and services that enable members to transform themselves into "higher-level performers" who become 10-100 times as proficient, effective, and successful in all areas of their lives.
Since I signed up for JBP, I have read good and bad reviews, here in the conference, they admit to the bad reviews, and banning s, saying that their claims are just unbelievable to most, that is the reason for all the bad publicity.
I can personally not purchased any positions as yet, still on the fence and not entirely sure they are a trustworthy bunch. There are a lot of people in the conference, 240. Carl does answer questions, and seems to be honest in his responses.
Since their site does state that one can make money by investing only 10 bucks and some advertising time. Well, I will be giving this a try, for only 10 dollars, no more.
I will report back how it works out. Look for the next post titled, JustBeenPaid, My JSS Facts
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